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ReSearch will not only make your life easier organizationally, it will also make your web site much more enjoyable for visitors. Typically, race results are displayed in static HTML format. They are not searchable or sortable, require separate static pages to display things like age group placings, and quickly become a mess as they accumulate over time with similar file names. Worse yet is the dreaded 404 File Not Found error that often results from renaming event info pages to results pages and changing some, but not all of, the corresponding links.

Enter ReSearch! With this compact program, all you do is load an event's results into the database and they are instantly searchable. No need to keep track of numerous results files, no danger of 404 errors, and endless appeal to new and repeat visitors. If you want to link to the full results for an event, you can easily do so with ReSearch, making it function just like a static page of results.

ReSearch Features:

  • Quick and easy to set up, and very easy to customize. Step by step instructions are included for creating your database and importing results, and a short, concise configuration section powers the rest of the program. No need to learn PHP or MySQL, although basic HTML knowledge is helpful for displaying the search form the way you want it. Now includes directions for importing all of your results through the web browser, making Telnet, FTP, and complex MySQL commands completely optional!
  • Automatic Top 10 Lists for every event or distance!
  • Dropdown selection search boxes are automatically built based on database content -- no HTML updates required when you add to the database.
  • Limitless search options and database fields (name, time, place, age, etc.).
  • Split-second search results.
  • Popup window with a full list of events in the database, sorted by event name and year, with a direct link to the full results for that year.
  • Results for a specific event can be linked to directly without having to enter a search. For example, instead of displaying a static page of race results, simply place a link on the page that includes a database search for an event name and year. Clicking on that link will take visitors directly to the full race results, which they can then search and refine however they wish.
  • Context sensitive Help file for users.

The ReSearch distribution includes:

  • results.php - The work horse; queries the database of events and results, and prepares and formats the database output of search results.
  • research_search_form.php - This is where you set up your HTML search form for getting user input. As of version 2.10, the search form is separate from results.php so that future upgrades to the inner workings of the program can be made without affecting your display customizations.
  • results_event_list.php - A self-updating list of all events in the database, sorted by event name and year, with a direct link to the full results for that year.
  • research_config.php - As of version 2.10, this file contains your configuration information, such as database connectivity and color schemes.
  • Version 1.02 of results.php, intended for advanced users -- less automated than the current release, but it provides more flexibility for those who are comfortable modifying code and HTML. (Version 2+ does not require editing of anything other than the HTML search input form, which will be dependent on the fields you choose to include in your database.)
  • - A file that securely stores your MySQL connection information for use in results.php
  • readme.txt - Includes full documentation, step-by-step installation and customization instructions, where to go for help, and instructions for creating the database tables and loading data properly.
  • End user license.
  • "Powered by ReSearch" logo (must be displayed for non-Commercial licenses) -- 5 logos to choose from.
  • Context sensitive help file for users.
  • MySQLMan (Copyright Gossamer Threads) - A freely available MySQL administration program; bundled with ReSearch and customized for tighter integration.

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