AbleDesign - Programs

Please note: This page is a work in progress. If you are aware of any race results programs not on this list, or if you have experience with any of those listed and can help fill in the blanks, please contact us.

The information below is correct to the best of our knowledge, but we cannot guarantee accuracy. Please confirm specifics for yourself.

Product Fixed Width Tab Delimited Adjustable
Alge Timing (Austrian) ? ? ?
CCScore Yes? ? ?
Cross Country QuickScorer Yes? ? ?
EasyWare Meet Manager Yes? ? ?
ElfScore Yes Yes Yes
HY-TEK Meet Manager Yes No (Win version?) No
Joggeur (French) ? ? ?
Track on a Mac/MacCross Country Yes? ? Yes?
Apple Raceberry JaM Yes Yes Yes
RaceBuilder ? ? ?
RunScore ? ? Yes?
Sport Systems RaceMaster Yes? ? ?
The Race Director Yes Yes Yes
Wegwed (Netherlands) Yes Yes No1


  • Fixed Width = fixed width formatting of results output, i.e. a varying number of spaces to preserve column alignment
  • Tab Delimited = results output columns are separated by tabs -- easier to work with for importing into the database
  • Adjustable = the order of results columns (i.e. name, time, place) can be organized to match the order of your database fields -- combined with tab delimited output, this is the most flexible of all
  • ? = no information available at this time
  • Yes = that feature is available
  • No = that feature is not available
  • Yes? = that feature appears to be available, but not yet confirmed
  • No? = that feature appears to not be available, but not yet confirmed


  1. the selection of output fields is possible, but not the order

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