AbleDesign - Programs

Programs > MyCalendar > Version History

5/15/03 - Version 2.20.3 released

  • fixed a confirmation display array typo in add_to_validate.php that potentially juxtaposes custom fields
  • fixed several bugs with editing of events and changing the number of recurring entries
  • rearranged the processing and auto-hyperlinking of the Description field to avoid problems with line breaks and stuff
  • replaced the MySQL version check for looking up the next available calendar ID (for tracking related entries) upon adding/editing with a simpler, more reliable method
  • added a check (and warning) to not allow the same event to be edited multiple times in the Validation queue; re-editing it replaces the previous edit awaiting validation

3/16/03 - Version 2.20.2 released

  • fixed erroneous database upgrade instructions in upgrade.txt

3/12/03 - Version 2.20.1 released

  • fixed a 'same day of each week/month' recurring event bug in perform_update.php

3/11/03 - Version 2.20 released

  • Additions:
    • greatly simplified the process for adding custom fields (see config.php and Documentation)
    • added extra 'same day of week' recurring event options (one or more days of each week)
    • added an option to disallow users access to the recurring events settings
    • add/modify/validate form now displays 12 hour time format if desired
    • now allows 'All Categories' to be chosen as the default category
    • when adding a calendar event, any required fields not filled out will now return you to the Add form with previously entered info still in place
    • now allows new user accounts to get default usergroup settings when not created by the admin
    • added an optional .htaccess file to force the turning off of register_globals
    • no longer allows events without subjects to be added (leading and trailing spaces are also removed for all fields)
    • added a reminder when logged in as the admin to change the admin email address if not already done (i.e. for new installs)
    • added a reminder when logging in as the admin to change the default password if not already done (i.e. for new installs)
    • added an alternative month display file to fix the "UK" problem with some months showing the wrong number of days
    • added HTML documentation in place of readme.txt
  • Miscellaneous:
    • removed dependency on register_globals being turned on; now works either way
    • moved language files into a language array for smoother operation
    • changed the index.php footer links to assemble in a single variable to be echo'd at the end, so as to help alleviate problems with the footer links not loading properly
    • reorganized the recurring events section of the add/modify/validate forms
    • when viewing recurring events (go=view), the redundant link to view related events is no longer displayed
    • improved admin area page spanning for large lists of users, downloads, groups, etc.
    • cleaned up uninitialized variables for servers that disallow them
    • switched to a new template parser (UltraTemplate)
    • replaced deprecated mysql_db_query()
    • the lost password page no longer redirects to the login form if the entered username/email is incorrect
    • updated the tooltips.js script (for event highlighting) to work with Netscape 6+
    • made the day display slightly faster (removed an unnecessary database query)
    • renamed view_by_period.php to search_results.php
  • Bug Fixes:
    • fixed a bug that showed the current day wrong in non-English languages when starting the week on something other than Sunday
    • fixed a bug that resulted in broken JavaScript in the mini month calendars when subjects had quotation marks
    • quotation marks in subjects are now handled properly by the modify form
    • addressed a bug (not fully fixed, but mostly just an aesthetic issue) in day.php and purge_calendar.php where events with multiple categories were counted as multiple entries in terms of page spanning; see comments in day.php
    • fixed a minor bug in lib.php's get_category_names_by_event() that issued warnings when sorting one-element arrays
    • updated the Matt Kruse calendar import script to the proper column count
    • fixed a language file function inconsistency (L_valid_pswd() mis-named in some files)
    • fixed the missing condition for the min/max username variables
    • fixed a search bug that didn't track category selections
    • removed an extra " from the 'back to calendar' link/form in index.php
    • fixed a bug that kept admin-set default field values from being set when a user creates an account
    • fixed an HTML bug in index.php's $footer_link
    • fixed a day.php bug that kept non-image navigation buttons from working when used in a non-popup window

2/18/02 - Version 2.10 released

  • events can now be added to multiple categories
    • multiple category use can be turned on or off
    • admin can decide whether or not to allow users to add events to multiple categories
    • an event which was originally put into multiple categories will be accounted for when editing it if multiple category use has been disabled
  • added user group tools for defining what different groups are authorized to do, such as moderators and users:
    • option to allow logged in users to add directly to database without approval
    • option to allow logged in users to edit own events without admin approval
    • allow moderators to validate submissions and/or user accounts
  • added the option to have weeks/months begin on any day (generally Sunday or Monday)
  • added the option to display weekends and weekdays in a different color
  • moved HTML output to a template based system, making month/week/day display pages much easier to customize
  • users can now select which language they wish to view the calendar in, and their settings will be remembered via cookies
  • added a popup color picker for the 'set variables' section
  • added month_mini_include.php which allows you to include the mini month calendar anywhere on your site without fiddling with the variables and file paths
  • added a Czech language file (contributed by Petr Podhajsky of Grafika Publishing ltd)
  • added a French language file (contributed by Jean-Louis Laurent)
  • when validating entries, there is now a "duplicate check" link that shows all events for the submitted day in a popup window
  • added an "A" to "Z" letter bar for the "list all" user/category pages for a one-click quick link to that section of the alphabet
  • added "printer friendly" options for all pages, including structure changes so calendar grids show up properly
  • added IP address logging for logins
  • added a new table for banning IP addresses, either manually or automatically if the user has more failed logins than the max setting
  • fixed a security hole that could allow people to spoof a valid session and gain access to some of the admin functions (corrected in the re-release of v2.01)
  • changed the modify/validate and email notification forms' handling of line breaks to account for php 4.05+ nl2br() converting to <br /> instead of <br> for XHTML compliance
  • the initial table creation did not work on all servers due to the ParentID field not being correctly defined as NOT NULL
  • when creating an account (create_account.php), invalid usernames or passwords now provide specific feedback as to the problem
  • moved the $username min and max variables above the language file section of config.php so that the values can be correctly used in the language file
  • fixed a bug that did not allow category #1 to be deleted
  • fixed a bug that allowed users who had not yet confirmed their account (through the emailed confirmation link) to log in (corrected in the re-release of v2.01)
  • fixed a bug (extra function parameter) that resulted in an error when users confirm accounts
  • fixed a bug that kept the admin-only direct link for editing the last instance of a recurring sequence from working for non-English languages
  • changed some file names to be more consistent with others (week.php and day.php):
    • calendar.php -> month.php
    • calendar_mini.php -> month_mini.php
    • view_full_year.php -> year.php
  • now allows pipe characters (|) in subjects and descriptions; pipes are converted to their hex equivalent before adding to the database so as to not be confused with field delimiters
  • the add_to_validate.php display of what was submitted by the user now shows line breaks in the description
  • added the event date to email notifications of new calendar submissions
  • on the calendar edit form for logged in users, the "submitted by" section is no longer shown; now admin only, as was intended
  • the language files now specify which version they were last translated for (additions are specified in un-translated English)
  • after setting the language to use, returning to the 'set variables' page now shows the text translated (previously would not be translated into the selected language until going to a subsequent page)
  • changed day_display() to show the 'related entries' link even when accessed through view_item.php; useful when viewing an item from the purge calendar page
  • the month and mini month displays now display events' subjects by order of start time, same as the week display
  • 'purge calendar' improvements:
    • now displays entries that do not have an assigned category when categories are turned on
    • you may now specify multiple categories to delete by, as well as deleting by date and category(s) in conjunction
    • added page spanning to better handle a large number of events displayed
  • the calendar search form now allows longer (# of characters) input for next/previous 'x' days searches, allowing for something like -300 days
  • turning off the option to allow user submissions now overrides leaving anonymous submissions turned on (less confusing)
  • sped up the automatic creation of add/view/edit/delete forms for users and categories
  • shortened the URL sent in emails for confirming account creations and email address changes
  • day suffixes (i.e. 2nd, 3rd) in month/week displays are only shown now for the English language
  • added an initial config variable for servers that do not work with the custom session management
  • added more input error checking
  • for the full year view, highlighting (of days with events) is now overridden when in printable mode
  • added month/day single-digit number padding on db queries for MySQL versions that require it
  • modified create_account.php to disallow non-unique email addresses
  • placed the admin footer links into dropdown select forms for cleaner organization
  • added flexible date formatting (i.e. year-month-day or day-month-year) for the day display, calendar search results, holidays page, and purge calendar page

9/2/01 - Version 2.01.4 released

  • replaced the v2.01.3 language files with their proper versions, as the 'create account' email confirmation did not work due to version inconsistencies

8/29/01 - Version 2.01.3 released

  • bug fix in do_login.php that allowed users to log in before their account had been confirmed

7/25/01 - Version 2.01.2 released

  • added 3 files back in to the distribution that were accidentally left out of v2.01.1

7/17/01 - Version 2.01.1 released

  • bug fix in index.php to keep someone from spoofing a valid session and gain limited admin access

6/25/01 - Version 2.01 released

  • overhauled the calendar search funtions to allow multiple criteria searches, such as date range along with keyword and/or category
  • for date range (next x days) searches, can now input a negative number of days to search for events on previous days
  • added multiple category search options
    • options to search all categories, only the selected categories, or everything but the selected categories
    • search results show the category an event is in, if categories are turned on
    • a recurring entry will only appear once in the search results (assumes that a single instance of a recurring series has not been changed)
  • added an "All Categories" option to allow users to view all entries, regardless of category, even if the default category option is turned on
  • improved handling of tools for users to edit their own calendar submissions (if enabled by the admin):
    • old system moved the edited item(s) from the Calendar table to the Validate table, meaning the original info would be lost if the admin does not accept the changes. the new system maintains the original event info and provides the option to accept/decline/ignore the changes.
    • admin email notification shows the original and new event info for easy comparison
  • can now change the number of entries in a recurring sequence; if the submitted number of entries differs from the original number, the sequence is removed from the Calendar table and re-added, treating it as a new item/sequence
    • can also change the recurring options, i.e. week increment, day of week, annual/monthly/daily, etc.
  • modified much of the inner workings to allow easily adding more fields to the database (such as additional user information or locations for calendar events) without having to make changes throughout the program
  • when viewing the day display popup with "all categories" selected, the category each event belongs to is now displayed; same for when viewing the related items (recurring events)
  • when validating a user account, clicking on the Validate button now automatically sets their account status to Active
  • validate and edit forms now show user the user who submitted the calendar item, along with a popup link to view their full user info
  • when a user submits a calendar entry, the email notification to the admin now contains information about the submitted event
  • added customizable templates for emailing users after validating/deleting calendar submissions
    • option to delete submissions with or without a reason (email notification)
    • 'delete with reason' info is not displayed on anonymous submissions, reducing clutter
  • fixed a bug in Netscape that kept the dropdown select boxes in user add/modify/validate forms from displaying (such as isConfirmed)
  • fixed a bug that kept non-list views from working for the day display when not opening the day in a popup window
  • added the list/separate view links to the day display page for when viewing in a popup window
  • the change email address confirmation email is no longer the general account confirmation one; more specific
  • changed the Description field to allow case insensitive searches of calendar entries
  • calendar validate forms now show the day of week name corresponding to the selected date, just like with the add/modify forms
  • day of week display on add/modify/validate forms is now translated into the admin-selected language
  • the calendar edit/delete page no longer shows the delete option to logged in users, as it was disabled anyway
  • grouped the admin's 'set variables' page items and set the sections apart visually
  • added a title font variable to the 'set variables' page to more easily make calendar-wide changes to the table headers (i.e. switching light text on dark background to dark on light)
  • modified the code of several files to make the HTML pieces more easily editable
  • rearranged some of the footer links for more intuitive use
  • changed the browser checking routine to a faster method
  • added several help file items

5/16/01 - Version 2.0 released

  • added holiday support:
    • calculate holidays that fall on a specific day of the week in a month, such as the last Monday in May or 4th Thursday in November
    • calculate Easter Sunday and related holidays
    • calculate the Vernal and Autumnal Equinoxes
    • calculate observed days for holidays that fall on weekends
    • calculate the closest specified day, such as the closest Monday

    • displays the date of each holiday by year with checkboxes showing if the holiday is currently listed in the calendar
    • add or remove any holidays from the list with one click
    • optionally add holidays to specific categories (if category use is turned on)
    • holidays are included for US, Argentina, Brazil, Canada, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Kenya, Mexico, Panama, Portugal, Russia, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom
  • can now add entries that recur on the same day/week of the month, i.e 2nd Friday of every month, or 1st Monday of every 3rd month
  • added optional ending times for calendar events
  • added modify multiple (recurring calendar entries) options to allow you to:
    1. keep original dates, regardless of which item in the sequence is selected
    2. update from the selected date forward, regardless of sequence
  • added a database updater script for backward compatibility for tracking recurring sequences in old versions (v1.21 or earlier); also updates your database for compatibility with the new storage format for same week of month and weekly increment recurring entries
  • added a Spanish language file (contributed by Adrian Martin)
  • added Spanish & Portuguese image packs for using images in place of form submit buttons
  • added a context sensitive help file with additional tips for only the admin
  • week.php had a bug in the day link where the wrong year is passed to the popup day display window
  • fixed a bug that kept page spanning from working when listing all categories (admin functions)
  • fixed some erroneously changed variables in the calendar search options page
  • added the event's Time to the page that displays what the user has just submitted
  • changed a line in the page that displays what the user has just submitted to show the number of recurring entries submitted
  • added a line to modify_form.php and validate_form.php to properly replace line breaks in the item to be edited/validated, regardless of HTML tag capitalization
  • re-added some text to the user account addition email notification that had been lost
  • moved image submit buttons to language subdirectories, making the selection of language image packs automatic with the selection of a language
  • calendar_mini.php now has the first letter day abbreviations translated
  • added 2 new variables for if categories are turned on: 1) $set_default_cat (yes/no), 2) $default_cat_num - allows you to set a default category so that users are not greeted with a jumble of unrelated items from all the categories before selecting a specific category to view; also provides a default category when you go to the Holidays page, making it less likely to forget to choose a category first
  • the admin footer links for category functions are no longer displayed if categories are turned off
  • removed holiday_data.txt, which is made obsolete by the introduction of holiday support
  • moved a few omitted text strings in the calendar add/modify forms to the language translation files

4/27/01 - Version 1.21 released

  • transferred all text to be output to the browser into language files for easy translation
  • added a Portuguese-Brazil language file (contributed by Pedro Brandao)
  • added optional cookies for remembering login info each time
  • added option to allow users to edit their own submissions
  • added tools for users to edit own submissions if allowed (requires admin validation)
  • deleting recurring calendar entries now echoes the number of entries that were deleted
  • can now set the number of events per page to display for each day (page spanning)
  • overhauled the image form buttons to allow the popup window to control the main window in Netscape
  • fixed a sometimes problematic bug in the login.php and add_form.php form actions
  • fixed a bug in purge_calendar.php that treated a non-category selection as purge criteria, resulting in a matchless db query
  • fixed a bug that kept validate routines from carrying through user submitted Times
  • fixed a bug that kept subjects with apostrophes from showing up in some forms
  • set_variables.php no longer requires numbering all the variables to be set, making it easier to add new variables in any order
  • modified day display layout to keep page from being too wide when in popup mode (happened when Edit/Delete button included)
  • removed unused $site_title variable in login page
  • removed <pre> formatting tags from the add_to_validate.php printout of received submission - long descriptions made for horizontal page scrolling
  • added an image button to optionally replace "Close This Window" form button
  • changed current day (month display) highlighting to simply display "Today" instead of the blue border that does not always fill the cell properly in Netscape (happens when another day on the same row contains more entries)
  • add_to_validate.php display of user submission no longer displays apostrophes in the subject and description as escaped (with a back slash)

4/20/01 - Version 1.20 released

  • added support for categories, such as for regional or topical calendars
    • admin tools for adding/editing/deleting/searching categories
    • month, week, and day displays contain links to easily switch between categories
    • can choose a specific category to view, or view all categories (none selected)
    • admin can turn categories on or off; when turned off, the user sees no trace of categories
  • option to have day display open in a popup window (uses 'list view' mode) without loss of add/edit/category functionality
  • added images in place of form buttons for a cleaner look; can be turned on or off (image button coordinates make for longer URLs than submit buttons and take slightly longer to load)
  • purge logins by username, handy for removing admin login info but keeping stats for users
  • for full year calendar, added next/prev links to quickly jump between years
  • option to set the maximum # of events displayed per day on the month display (adds "more..." linking to day display)
  • switch between list and individual viewing modes for day displays
  • set the default for list/individual viewing modes for day displays
  • week at a glance display with entries for each day shown in list format
  • added an optional .htaccess file in case your server does not allow index.php as a directory's default index file
  • changed holiday_data.txt to work regardless of magic_quotes settings
  • do_login.php did not get a variable updated for correctly forwarding failed logins
  • page_span.php did not get a variable updated for multiple pages of user displays
  • purge_calendar.php did not get a variable updated for viewing a specific calendar entry
  • added ability to prune calendar entries by category (conditional if categories turned on)
  • made current day highlighting on month display optional
  • tweaked set_variables.php to always look in the current directory for variables.php
  • fixed add_to_validate.php which did not contain the new Time column
  • fixed view_item.php which did not contain the new Time column
  • fixed view_by_period.php which did not contain the new Time column
  • added page spanning for viewing entries to validate
  • added missing flag for recently modified page spanning routine
  • removed several of the auto-calculating server paths from v1.10; more complicated than it was worth...
  • moved the building of month dropdown select boxes (month and week displays) from straight HTML to auto-generated forms
  • added error checking to make sure a wrong year is not passed in or accidentally overwritten by coordinate variables
  • miscellaneous layout changes to the display of month/week/day pages

4/9/01 - Version 1.10 released

  • overhauled the main calendar display (full month) to use a single database query for the entire month instead of one for each day -- much less resource intensive and results in pages that load 5-6x faster (from 0.08 seconds down to 0.015 on an average sized calendar)
  • improved logging out, now actually shows you as logged out on the first page you are brought to, instead of still seeing the logged in options
  • changed to specifying the database name in all queries in case the program is used on the same page as another program querying a different database
  • replaced most of the manual path & URL settings in config.php with auto-detecting options
  • added color highlighting of mini_calendar for days that contain entries
  • added tooltip popup for highlighting of mini_calendar, containing the title of any event for that day
  • option to not display mini_calendar highlighting - no highlighting means slightly faster loading pages
  • option to not display mini_calendar highlighting for full year wall calendar displays
  • allow users to create their own account (with or without admin approval); can be turned on or off
  • allow anonymous user submissions; can be turned on or off
  • automatically email user after validating their account
  • retrieve lost password with new encrypted password automatically created
  • allow users to change their password and/or email address
  • added admin tools for adding, viewing, deleting, editing, and validating users, including multiple at once options
  • moved many of the administrative functions to admin.php to keep index.php uncluttered
  • added a two-part option to automatically build dropdown selection boxes -- allows the form name and value to be different if desired (concise database storage for numerical flags while presenting something easier to remember than a number)
  • added a Date_Added column to the Users table just in case the info is ever wanted...
  • when editing a user account, password will not be re-encrypted if it is already encrypted -- avoids creating a non-retreivable password
  • fixed the mini calendar tooltip popups to work with entries with apostrophes in the title
  • added a file containing US holidays for 2001, 2002, and 2003 that can be easily imported into your database
  • changed variable names throughout the program to shorter versions, such as $y, $m, $d instead of $year, $month, $day (shorter URLs)
  • fixed add/modify bug that caused recurring entries containing auto-hyperlinks to be re-linked with each occurence
  • "list all" user searches now default to sorting by user ID in ascending order
  • improved handling of max table ID's to properly echo the ID of the item(s) added to the calendar
  • added a Time field to the Calendar and Validate tables for optionally displaying an event's time in addition to the date
  • added the option to specify 12/24 hour time formats for the day displays
  • added a Holiday field to the Calendar table (for future use) to flag holidays

3/31/01 - Version 1.0 released

  • recurring entries by variable number of months or years
  • recurring entries that fall on the same day of the week, i.e. the 2nd Monday of the month
  • daily recurring entries - all days, weekdays only, or weekends only
  • daily recurring entries on the same day of the week, with varying number of week increments (i.e. every 2nd or 3rd Monday)
  • next/previous day & month links, as well as the option to jump directly to a month or day
  • display a full year "wall calendar" for any year, including a printable version of the page
  • highlights the current day on the main calendar display
  • highlights any day on the main calendar display that contains entries
  • displays the selected day name (by date) in add/modify/validate forms - now verifies that the selected date is valid; helps to ensure the correct date is selected before submitting additions or changes
  • basic calendar search options
  • add/modify/delete calendar events
  • auto-hyperlinking of URLs and emails in the body of calendar entries. the links are converted back to text for editing purposes.
  • allows users to add/edit their own accounts
  • change password utility for any non-guest user
  • session tracking and password encryption for secure logins
  • set your configuration variables online
  • option to make calendar columns (days of week) a fixed width for consistent formatting or variable width based on cell contents for maximum readability
  • option to hide the login link
  • option to allow for a "secret" command for accessing the login page (accessible only by knowing the 'action=' statement) - most useful when used in conjunction with a hidden login link.
  • admin purging of old calendar entries, with options to purge by date, subject, category, etc.
  • display sortable login/logout activity and prune the history by date or type
  • when logged in as the admin, the last instance of a recurring entry is highlighted with an option to update the recurring sequence
  • combined add, modify, and validate routines to reduce redundant code
  • added a basic import utility for Matt Kruse's Perl flatfile calendar (may work for others)

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