AbleDesign - Programs
Overview: D-Man, short for Download Manager, is a PHP/MySQL program which provides a simple and secure way to manage who has access to download your files and which ones. The program comes complete with group options (for users and/or files) and a credits system. A variety of administrative tools make it very easy to operate.
The script is originaly designed for the downloading of programs, but can be used equally well for other downloads, such as PDF files, music, or even reading articles online.
Now Available: Optional plugin for generating license numbers. The License Generator Plugin allows you to generate registration numbers for things like licensed downloads automatically. You can specify the randomization format and even use different formats to indicate different programs, for example. It is also backward compatible, allowing you to update existing users with licenses pertaining to their download authorizations.
Now Available: Optional plugin for auto-processing payments and tying into the credits method of download authorization. The Automatic Payment Processor Plugin is built around the PayPal IPN (Instant Purchase Notification) system and's payment gateway, but is designed with the idea of working with any payment processor down the road. This is beta code.
D-Man License
$35 US | |
Auto Payment Processor Plugin
$30 US | |
License Generator Plugin
$20 US | |
D-Man / Plugin Package
$75 US |
- Purchase D-Man securely in our Online Store -- accepts credit card (Visa, MasterCard, and Discover),
- or print and mail the order form, along with a check or money order,
- or email us for alternate payment options.
- Purchase a license.
- Receive the program and documentation via email. You may also receive a copy of the program by postal mail, if you like. Visit the order form for details.
Online Demo: Visit the online demo for a look at the program in action.
PHP & MySQL. (v3.00 and older are built for PHP4. All newer versions are built for PHP5.) |
- the downloads directory is only accessible through the script, which requires user authorization, making your downloads quite secure
- works with zip and gzip'd download files, as well as many other types
- customizable email newsletter can be sent to everyone authorized for one or more downloads or download groups, all users in a user group(s), or all users
- send an email to a specific user reminding them of their username and login instructions
- option to use a credit/token system
- option to allow user uploads and provide credit for downloading other files
- option to use a user group and file group system for setting download authorizations
- you can set how many login failures to allow - anything beyond that is considered a hack attempt
- random passwords are automatically generated (you can also choose your own) and are fully encrypted (or choose to have them unencrypted)
- option to require the admin to log in through a separate, hidden location for added security
- tools for banning troublesome users by IP address
- users may change their password or email address, and confirmation emails are sent for email changes
- can have a new password sent to you if you forgot your previous one
- display all downloads by user
- display total downloads by download, download history per download, and authorized users per download
- view all login/logout activity, with options to prune the history log in several ways
- edit configuration variables online
- file uploads for setting up new downloads (databse entries)
- unlimited subdirectories (one level deep) for categorizing your downloadable files
- carry forward user authorizations per download, such as for version updates with non-expiring access privileges
- option to allow users to create their own account
- language files for easy translation (internationalization); currently available in English, British English, Dutch, French, German, and Spanish
Latest Version & Updates: v3.10b1 is the current release. Version updates and online demos of the latest beta will be announced in the support forum. Beta releases are available for download to licensed users. You may view the Version History online.
Support: Online support is provided through the AbleDesign Forums.
License: The full end user license is included in the distribution.
The program may not be re-sold or re-distributed under any circumstances. You may have multiple installations of D-Man within a single, distinct web site (separate sites on sub-domains or subdirectories must purchase their own license), but a single license cannot be used on multiple sites.
Hosting: If you do not have access to a web server that meets the program's requirements (PHP and MySQL), AbleDesign offers value-packed PHP/MySQL hosting for as little as $15.95 $10 a month. Please visit the hosting page for details. Annual hosting packages receive free installation of D-Man!